Here’s a question for you, what really makes you happy? Is that new car you’ve always wanted, a big house, a beautiful bride or as it should answer many people, any money you might want.
Many people think that only have enough money to buy whatever they want can lead to happiness. Have you ever read the stories of lottery winners win a huge jackpot wishing he had never won the lottery? Well, it might seem ridiculous to us, but having so much money worsened their lives.
Here are some reasons on why winning the lottery doesn’t make you happy.
1. Same thoughts different circumstances
The huge increase your bank account allowed to buy whatever you want. Photos as well, sitting in your big front Palace to your 100 “Plasma TV, drink one of the finest wines that has ever existed. What a difference this time last week, you could say. However, there is one thing that has not changed, your thoughts.
Your thoughts are the only thing that can affect how you feel and, ultimately, happiness. Unfortunately money won’t change this.
The truth is that if you were a person unhappy before winning the lottery, then chances are that you will still be unhappy after the big win.
2. unhealthy lifestyle
Money can allow people to throw some of the best around and live a life of decadence. This means that there is a wealth of opportunity to drink more and more smoke. Lottery Winners often end up worse with lifestyle than before and end up with health problems of long term.
The “winners” suddenly have more money to spend on things you may want to indulge in only occasionally before victory as alcohol, cigarettes and gambling. They also believe that seeing the best doctors can pay their way out by health problems. Unfortunately, this doesn’t qualify.
3. Money makes people look at you differently
People you’ve known all your life suddenly start to see you as their meal ticket. If you start saying yes to some people and not to others, a lot of people will start to resent you.
Not only this, but due to your willingness to new found wealth people always expect more money just because they can afford to give it to them. When you have money, it starts to become very difficult to say no to people.
4. Where is the drive?
Most people are like having a reason to get up in the morning and feel like they are doing something in their day. All of a sudden you find that may sleep until noon every day and spend the day anyway.
However, while this may sound great really isn’t Sudden wealth property means a loss of ambition and drive. Finally I’m a millionaire so now what? may request a lottery winner. Sometimes boredom can be a good thing and can provide the catalyst for many creative efforts, but more often than not, can also lead to a slope slippey when you have so much money.
5. you feel like you don’t deserve the money
Let’s face it Lottery Winners extremely lucky to win the jackpot. The odds are 1 to 116 million astronomical depending on which game you play. They haven’t exactly to suffer through blood, sweat and tears for that £ 1 ticket. That’s why one-third of all their money squandering after 5 years Lottery winners in the end.
A person who has built a successful company over the years through nothing but hard work and determination tends to invest the money wisely. They worked so hard for it so inevitably they want to care for it. This is their reward for all the years of sacrifice. A lottery winner, instead, sees unconsciously this money as something that never really deserved so tend to squander all the good life for a few years.